I've been telling my brother Larry that he needs to come up from California in October so he can experience the great trout fishing at Strawberry Reservoir. Every year when the temperature gets cooler the Cuttroat Trout start to cruise the shallows looking for chubs to eat. Plastic tube jigs work great and it's not uncommon to catch 20-25 fish in a single afternoon. This quantity of fish is possible because the Fish and Game Department wisely established a "slot limit" regulation which requires you to release any fish that measures between 15" and 22". The result is a large population of beautiful 18-19-20-21 inch trout and fantastic fishing. If you get one over 22' you get to keep it as a trophy.
Larry loves fishing but has to settle for small "planters" he can find in lakes near his home in San Bernadino. I called him last Thursday to tell him the fishing was hot and he was on the road a few hours later. He throughly enjoyed his time on the reservoir and I think he will be coming back next fall. As you can see the weather was very coorperative.