Sunday, December 16, 2007

Our new home is Finished

It was always Susan's dream to build a comfortable home on the family farm. It was always my dream to build a house with a mountain view and open fields nearby. Today after eight months of work by lots of people, we have our dream home.


Anonymous said...

It's beautiful and its only 3 more nights til I get to sleep in there!

jeffandallisondavies said...

Don, I hope you don't care that I peak at your blog. I still have a little thank you something that I keep forgetting to bring to you. I will have to bring it to your beautiful new house and hopefully get the grand tour while I am there. And Kate is getting home soon! YAHOO!!


Shelley Reid said...

I like the description "comfortable", I can think of a lot of other adjectives to describe it! We love it though - I was doing laundry today and I could smell the new house smell on some of my clothes. I love that smell!